Our friendly team is excited to meet you! We are dedicated to helping you have the most comfortable experience possible here at Person & Darlington Family and Cosmetic Dentistry and will work with you to help you feel at ease, understand your treatment options and receive the care you need. Call us today at 901-681-0777 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patrick Person or Dr. Baker Darlington, our dentists in Germantown, Tennessee.

Dental Hygienists
Laura, Elizabeth and Janet
Our dental hygienists are dedicated to your smile and oral health. You can count on them to put your needs first, help you feel comfortable and help you understand your oral health and treatment options.

Administrative Team
Kendall and Nancy
Our administrative team is always happy to help you! They are here to help you with the particulars of your visit, from making your appointments to understanding your insurance and financing options.

Dental Assistants
Taylor, Mika, Caitlin and Janet
Our dental assistants work side-by-side with our dentists to help you receive the care you need. They will always take the time to make sure you feel at ease during your treatment.